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Giorgio Ambrosoli Graduation Prize


Criminal defense lawyer in Milan

Criminal defense lawyer in Varese

Criminal defense lawyer in Busto Arsizio

Criminal defense lawyer in Como

Criminal defense lawyer in Monza

Criminal defense lawyer in Lodi

Criminal defense lawyer in Pavia

Criminal defense lawyer in Vigevano

Criminal defense lawyer in Voghera


Criminal law

White-collar and corporate crime

Prisoner law

Crime and violence victims

Domestic abuse

Female genital mutilation practices

Sex crimes, sexual assault, rape



Child prostitution

Child pornography

Sex tourism aimed at the exploitation of child prostitution

Human trafficking

Trade or alienation of slaves

Corruption of minors

Solicitation of minors

Juvenile criminal law

Free legal aid



d.d.l. Nordio

Directive No. 2024/1385/EU

JLS Bar Exam Preparation Course Presentation

Corrective to the Cartabia Reform

ECHR appeals

Drug offences

Building a successful career in the legal world today

Whistleblowing and the Supervisory Body under Legislative Decree 231/2001

Italian "Red Code", gender violence and Roccella Reform

Criminal liability of the PM (RUP)

Gender violence: Roccella Reform and changes to the Italian "Red Code"

The penal system after the Cartabia Reform

Legal Innovation Conference 2023

Criminal mediation and restorative justice in the Cartabia Reform

Caivano Decree

Interview on Story Time (Canale Italia)


Multilingual presentations

Rechtsanwältin für Strafrecht

Avocate pénaliste

Abogada penalista

Advogada penal

Avocat de drept penal

уголовный адвокат


محامي جنائي في ميلانو

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