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Criminal lawyer in Varese

Qualified criminal lawyer in Varese and Busto Arsizio, Italy. Law firm specialising in criminal law and trials

Attoney-at-law Federica Liparoti, from Varese, frequently assists persons or companies domiciled in Varese or in the Province, involved in criminal trials held at the Courts of Varese and Busto Arsizio, which, together with the Courts of Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza, Pavia and Sondrio, are organised jointly with the Court of Appeal of Milan.

Criminal defense lawyer in Varese, barrister, solicitor, attorney - criminal and prison law

The law firm, specialised and operating exclusively in the fields of Criminal and Penitentiary Law, is based in the heart of Milan, in the immediate vicinity of the Court.


Crimes against the individual

Crimes against life and individual integrity (assault, bodily harm, brawling, manslaughter, vehicular homicide, hit-and-run, murder, femicide, infanticide, incitement or aiding and abetting suicide, abandonment of minors or incapable persons, etc.);

Crimes against motherhood (negligent termination of pregnancy, non-consensual termination of pregnancy);

Offences against honour (defamation, defamation in the press, offences in writings and speeches before judicial or administrative authorities, etc.);

Crimes against individual freedom (reduction or maintenance in slavery or servitude, child prostitution, child pornography, trafficking in persons, etc.);

Crimes against equality (racial, religious or ethnic discrimination);

Crimes against personal freedom (kidnapping, sexual violence, sexual acts with minors, etc.);

Crimes against moral liberty (private violence, violence or threats to force someone to commit a crime, threats, stalking, unlawful dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos, torture, etc.);

Crimes against the inviolability of the home (breaking and entering, unauthorised access to a computer or telecommunications system, etc.);

Crimes against the inviolability of secrets (violation, removal and suppression of correspondence, disclosure of professional secrets, etc.).

Crimes against property (robbery, extortion, theft, fraud, usury, receiving stolen goods, money laundering, cyber fraud, cyber crimes, etc.).

Drug offences under Presidential Decree 309/1990 (possession with intent to distribute drugs, criminal association for the purpose of drug trafficking, etc.).

Offences of association and organised crime (criminal association, mafia-type association, subversive association, etc.).

  • Corporate criminal law: corporate, banking, financial, bankruptcy, tax and customs, environmental and urban planning offences, hygiene and safety at work, offences against the public administration, etc.; supervisory bodies and organisation, management and control models (legislative decree no. 231/2001).

  • Defence in criminal trials, with years of daily experience at all levels of judgement.

  • Prison law and execution of penalties: trials before the Surveillance Court, conditional release, rehabilitation, extinction of penalties, house arrest, semi-release, probation, probation to social services, suspension of prison sentences, etc.

  • Defence of victims of violence: women, minors, crimes covered by the Italian ‘Red Code’, gender-based violence, family abuse, domestic violence, physical violence, stalking, persecutory acts, abuse, sexual violence, sexual harassment, rape, revenge porn, etc.

  • Juvenile criminal law: offences committed by minors, criminal trials before the Juvenile Court, alternative measures to detention for minors.

  • Urgent criminal law: arrest, validation hearing of arrest, opposition to validation, police custody of suspects, immediate trial, first appearance examination, summary trials, pre-trial detention in prison, precautionary measures, illegal arrest, assistance in extradition procedures to and from Italy and European Arrest Warrant (EAW - Interpol red notice), etc.

  • International criminal law, defence of Human Rights and appeals to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The nature of the tasks carried out, dense with trial activities and visits to prisoners, and the district organisation of the Court of Appeal of Milan and the corresponding Penitentiary Institutions require mobility and constant presence in the district of the regional capital. In Varese and Province the firm's activities are recurrent, sometimes conducted in collaboration with colleagues rooted in the province, specialised in legal disciplines distinct from the criminal ones practised by Atty. Liparoti (e.g. civil law, family law, etc.).

In the penitentiary sector, the law firm provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance to people who have been definitively sentenced, constantly assuring support to prisoners and their families to ensure that their rights are respected. Therefore, visits to the jails of Varese and Busto Arsizio are frequent to clients in detention. In Varese there is one of the three Supervisory Offices of the Milan District, which have jurisdiction over the execution of sentences, supervising the detention institutions.

Federica Liparoti, a lawyer specialising in Criminal Law pursuant to and for the purposes of Ministerial Decree 163/2020 and PhD in Criminal Law, is also registered in the list of lawyers qualified for free legal aid in criminal matters ("gratuito patrocinio"), guaranteeing free assistance and defence in court, subject to verification and fulfilment of the eligibility requirements established by law (income limitations do not apply to victims of violence, who are always entitled to free legal aid).

Avvocato penalista Varese e Busto Arsizio - processi penali, carcere, gratuito patrocinio

The territorial jurisdiction of the Court of Varese covers the upper Varese area, i.e. the district of municipalities extending from Tradate to the shores of Lake Maggiore, while the lower Varese area falls under the jurisdiction of the Court of Busto Arsizio. Specifically, the following municipalities form the basis of territorial jurisdiction for the Court of Varese: Agra, Angera, Arcisate, Azzate, Azzio, Barasso, Bardello con Malgesso e Bregano, Bedero Valcuvia, Besano, Besozzo, Biandronno, Bisuschio, Bodio Lomnago, Brebbia, Brenta, Brezzo di Bedero, Brinzio, Brissago Valtravaglia, Brunello, Brusimpiano, Buguggiate, Cadegliano Viconago, Cadrezzate con Osmate, Cantello, Caravate, Carnago, Caronno Varesino, Casalzuigno, Casciago, Cassano Valcuvia, Castello Cabiaglio, Castelseprio, Castelveccana, Castiglione Olona, Castronno, Cazzago Brabbia, Cittiglio, Clivio, Cocquio Trevisago, Comabbio, Comerio, Cremenaga, Crosio della Valle, Cuasso al Monte, Cugliate Fabiasco, Cunardo, Curiglia con Monteviasco, Cuveglio, Cuvio, Daverio, Dumenza, Duno, Ferrera di Varese ,Galliate Lombardo, Gavirate, Gazzada Schianno, Gemonio, Germignaga, Gornate Olona, Grantola, Induno Olona, Ispra, Lavena-Ponte Tresa, Laveno Mombello, Leggiuno ,Lonate Ceppino, Lozza, Luino, Luvinate, Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca, Malnate, Marchirolo, Marzio, Masciago Primo, Mercallo, Mesenzana, Montegrino Valtravaglia, Monvalle, Morazzone, Orino, Porto Ceresio, Porto Valtravaglia, Rancio Valcuvia, Ranco, Saltrio, Sangiano, Taino, Ternate, Tradate, Travedona Monate, Tronzano Lago Maggiore, Valganna, Varano Borghi, Varese, Vedano Olona, Venegono Inferiore, Venegono Superiore, Viggiù.
The territorial domain covers cross-border investigations at the Swiss border and at the international airport of Milan Malpensa.

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