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Domestic abuse, family violence, mistreatment, intimate partner violence

Lawyer / Solicitor / Barrister / Attorney in Milan, Italy, for family mistreatment and domestic violence

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti, a criminal defense lawyer admitted to the Milan Bar, owner of the law firm of the same name in Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Criminal Law, assists victims of domestic abuse free of charge at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002. This procedure, which in Italy is called 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', is a pro bono-like initiative, in which the solicitor's fee is paid by the Italian State.

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti is included in the British government's list of English-speaking Italian solicitors (avvocati) specialising in rape, sexual assault and domestic violence.

Below is the text of the Italian criminal code which regulates the crime of mistreatment, followed by its translation.

Original Text:

Dispositivo dell'art. 572 Codice Penale

Chiunque, fuori dei casi indicati nell'articolo precedente, maltratta una persona della famiglia o comunque convivente, o una persona sottoposta alla sua autorità o a lui affidata per ragioni di educazione, istruzione, cura, vigilanza o custodia, o per l'esercizio di una professione o di un'arte, è punito con la reclusione da tre a sette anni.

La pena è aumentata fino alla metà se il fatto è commesso in presenza o in danno di persona minore, di donna in stato di gravidanza o di persona con disabilità come definita ai sensi dell'articolo 3 della legge 5 febbraio 1992, n. 104, ovvero se il fatto è commesso con armi.

La pena è aumentata se il fatto è commesso in danno di minore degli anni quattordici.

Se dal fatto deriva una lesione personale grave, si applica la reclusione da quattro a nove anni; se ne deriva una lesione gravissima, la reclusione da sette a quindici anni; se ne deriva la morte, la reclusione da dodici a ventiquattro anni.

Il minore di anni diciotto che assiste ai maltrattamenti di cui al presente articolo si considera persona offesa dal reato.


Operative part of Article 572 of the Italian Criminal Code.

Whoever, outside the cases indicated in the preceding article, mistreats a person of the family or otherwise cohabiting with them, or a person subject to their authority or entrusted to them for reasons of education, instruction, care, supervision or custody, or for the exercise of a profession or an art, shall be punished by imprisonment from three to seven years.

The punishment is increased by up to half if the act is committed in the presence of or to the detriment of a minor, a pregnant woman or a person with disabilities as defined under Article 3 of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992, or if the act is committed with weapons.

The punishment is increased if the act is committed against a minor under the age of fourteen years.

If serious bodily injury results from the act, imprisonment from four to nine years shall apply; if very serious bodily injury results from the act, imprisonment from seven to fifteen years; if death results from the act, imprisonment from twelve to twenty-four years.

A minor under the age of eighteen who witnesses the mistreatment referred to in this Article shall be deemed to be a person aggrieved by the offense.

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