Drug offences
On 15 April 2024, attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti and Dr. Luca Bonzanni were speakers at the free webinar organised by Avvocato360, entitled "I reati in materia di sostanze stupefacenti" (drug offences).
During the webinar, the criminological and empirical dimension of the phenomenon of the spread of narcotic substances in Italy were examined in depth. The main and most topical issues, both interpretative and applicative, concerning the criminal regulations on the production, possession and transfer of narcotic substances weredescribed, retracing the most recent interventions of the Constitutional Court, the evolution of the legislation and that of the jurisprudence of legitimacy relating to Presidential Decree 309/1990 - Consolidated Law on Narcotic Drugs. After analysing single-subject and associative offences, the executive and penitentiary issues were examined in depth, as well as the issue of the imputability of the agent under the effect of narcotics.
Organiser: Avvocato 360
Date: 15 April 2024, 17.00 - 18.40
Avv. Federica Liparoti, criminal defense lawyer in Milan and PhD in Criminal Law
Dott. Luca Bonzanni, journalist, PhD and expert in data - journalism on crime and justice
👉 Presentation given by Avv. Liparoti