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Prison law and criminal execution. Criminal lawyer specialising in penitentiary law in Milan, Italy. Prison, jail, arrest, imprisonment, detention.

Prisoner law

Diritto penitenziario carcere Milano - Avvocato Federica Liparoti

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti is at the side of prisoners and their families to ensure that their rights are respected.

The firm provides judicial and extrajudicial assistance to definitively sentenced persons, with particular reference to the drafting of applications for early release, ordinary and bonus permits as well as complaints for violation of art. 3 by of the case law of European Court of Human Rights (art. 35 ter O.P.).

Where necessary, she drafts claims on disciplinary matters and violation of prisoners' rights or for being subjected to the regime under Art. 41 bis (the strictest prison regime according to Italian law).

With regard to criminal execution, she formulates petitions for correction of material errors, deals with questions on the enforcement title and application of the ne bis in idem principle; petitions for application of formal concurrence and continued offence; she advises on petitions for revocation of suspended sentences, as well as for extinction of the offence and sentence.

The forensic activity, with its focus in Milan, is also conducted in the other provinces of Lombardy and neighbouring Piedmont, with frequent visits to clients in jail, mostly detained in the penitentiary institutes of Milan San Vittore, Bollate, Opera, Cesare Beccaria, Como Bassone, Busto Arsizio and Varese.

Italian qualified criminal lawyer in Milan, Italy. Law firm specializing in criminal law, penitentiary or prison law, criminal execution, juvenile law. Free Legal Aid. Legal aid in prison. Appointment of lawyer, detention, arrest, release, prisoners' rights, deprivation of liberty, summary trial, validation hearing. Lawyer for foreigners. Appointment of lawyer for summary trial for arrest in flagrante delicto (e.g. dealing, theft, evasion, resisting a public official). Appointment of lawyer in case of arrest and arrest. in flagrante delicto under Article 380 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

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