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Solicitation of Minors

Criminal defense lawyer in Milan for juvenile victims of solicitation. Free legal aid.

The solicitation of a minor is any attempt to get a minor to do something illegally. It is also the request, plea, enticing, asking or otherwise persuading a minor to commit an illegal act. A minor in these situations is defined as anyone under the age of 18 years old. The solicitation can occur anywhere but it often takes place online with an adult using the Internet to communicate with a minor and attempt to get the minor to engage in an illegal activity. Regardless of where the solicitation occurs the legal consequences are the same and can negatively impact the remainder of a person's life.

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti, an English-speaking Italian criminal defense lawyer admitted to the Milan Bar, owner of the law firm of the same name in Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Criminal Law, assists juvenile victims of solicitation free of charge (procedure named in Italy 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', a pro bono-like work, in which the lawyer's fee is paid by the Italian State) at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002.

Below is the text of the Italian criminal code which regulates this crime, followed by its translation.

Original Text:

Dispositivo dell'art. 609 undecies Codice Penale

Chiunque, allo scopo di commettere i reati di cui agli articoli 600, 600 bis, 600 ter e 600 quater, anche se relativi al materiale pornografico di cui all'articolo 600 quater 1, 600 quinquies, 609 bis, 609 quater, 609 quinquies e 609 octies, adesca un minore di anni sedici, è punito, se il fatto non costituisce più grave reato, con la reclusione da uno a tre anni. Per adescamento si intende qualsiasi atto volto a carpire la fiducia del minore attraverso artifici, lusinghe o minacce posti in essere anche mediante l'utilizzo della rete internet o di altre reti o mezzi di comunicazione.

La pena è aumentata:

1) se il reato è commesso da più persone riunite;
2) se il reato è commesso da persona che fa parte di un'associazione per delinquere e al fine di agevolarne l'attività;
3) se dal fatto, a causa della reiterazione delle condotte, deriva al minore un pregiudizio grave;
4) se dal fatto deriva pericolo di vita per il minore.


Operative part of Article 609 undecies of the Italian Criminal Code

Anyone who, with the aim of committing the offences referred to in Articles 600, 600 bis, 600 ter and 600 quater, including those relating to pornographic material referred to in Article 600 quater 1, 600 quinquies, 609 bis, 609 quater, 609 quinquies and 609 octies, solicits a child under the age of sixteen years, shall be punished, if the act does not constitute a more serious offence, by imprisonment of from one to three years. Solicitation is understood to be any act aimed at gaining the trust of a minor through artifice, flattery or threats made also through the use of the Internet or other networks or means of communication.

The penalty shall be increased:

1) if the offence is committed by several persons in a group;
2) if the offence is committed by a person who is part of a criminal association and for the purpose of facilitating its activity;
3) if, due to the repetition of the conduct, serious harm is caused to the child as a result of the act;
(4) if danger to the child's life derives from the offence.

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