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Lawyer in Milan, Italy, for crime victims and women or minors victims of violence or stalking
Crime and violence victims

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti's elected field of professional activity is the protection of women and minors who have suffered violence.
The firm provides qualified legal assistance to victims of crimes against the person, right to freedom in sexuality and the family, providing comprehensive legal services from assistance in drafting the complaint-action to legal representation and defence in court.
Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti is registered in the list of lawyers qualified for free legal aid in criminal matters (a pro bono-like initiative, named in Italy 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', in which the costs and lawyer's fee are fully borne by the Italian State) and assists victims of the following crimes free of charge at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002:
Domestic abuse, family violence, mistreatment, intimate partner violence, physical violence, psychological aggression
Female genital mutilation practices
Sex crimes, gender violence and 'Red Code' Italian Law's related crimes: sexual assault, rape, sexual offences, sexual harassment, revenge porn, cybercrimes, sextortion scams, deepnude, sexting, unauthorized disclosure of sexually explicit images and videos, deformation of individuals appearance through permanent facial wounds, wedding constriction, breach of the injunction to stay away from the family home and of the prohibition to visit places frequented by the offended person, etc.
Stalking, persecutory acts
Child prostitution
Child pornography
Sex tourism aimed at the exploitation of child prostitution
Human trafficking
Trade or alienation of slaves
Corruption of minors
Solicitation of minors
Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti is included in the British government's list of English-speaking Italian solicitors (avvocati) specialising in rape, sexual assault and domestic violence.
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