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Sex tourism aimed at the exploitation of child prostitution
Criminal defense lawyer in Milan for child prostitution exploitation, free legal assistance
Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti, an English-speaking Italian criminal defense lawyer admitted to the Milan Bar, owner of the law firm of the same name in Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Criminal Law, assists victims of sex tourism aimed at the exploitation of child prostitution free of charge (procedure named in Italy 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', a pro bono-like work, in which the lawyer's fee is paid by the Italian State) at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002.
Below is the text of the Italian criminal code which regulates this crime, followed by its translation.
Original Text:
Dispositivo dell'art. 600 quinquies Codice Penale
Chiunque organizza o propaganda viaggi finalizzati alla fruizione di attività di prostituzione a danno di minori o comunque comprendenti tale attività è punito con la reclusione da sei a dodici anni e con la multa da euro 15.493 a euro 154.937.
Operative part of Art. 600 quinquies of the Italian Criminal Code
Anyone who organizes or propagates trips aimed at the enjoyment of prostitution activities to the detriment of minors or otherwise including such activity shall be punished by imprisonment of six to twelve years and a fine of 15,493 to 154,937 euros.
Free lawyer for foreigners in Milan, Italy
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