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Child pornography

Criminal defense lawyer in Milan, free legal aid, crime of juvenile pornography

Attorney-at-law Federica Liparoti, an English-speaking Italian criminal defense lawyer admitted to the Milan Bar, owner of the law firm of the same name in Milan (Italy) and a PhD in Criminal Law, assists victims of underage pornography free of charge (procedure named in Italy 'gratuito patrocinio' or 'patrocinio a spese dello Stato', a pro bono-like work, in which the lawyer's fee is paid by the Italian State) at all stages of the proceedings - regardless of income - pursuant to Article 76 paragraph IV of Presidential Decree 115/2002.

Below is the text of the Italian criminal code which regulates the crime of juvenile pornosgraphy, followed by its translation.

Original Text:

Dispositivo dell'art. 600 quater Codice Penale

Chiunque, al di fuori delle ipotesi previste nell'articolo 600ter, consapevolmente si procura o detiene materiale pornografico realizzato utilizzando minori degli anni diciotto è punito con la reclusione fino a tre anni o con la multa non inferiore a euro 1.549.

La pena è aumentata in misura non eccedente i due terzi ove il materiale detenuto sia di ingente quantità.

Fuori dei casi di cui al primo comma, chiunque, mediante l'utilizzo della rete internet o di altre reti o mezzi di comunicazione, accede intenzionalmente e senza giustificato motivo a materiale pornografico realizzato utilizzando minori degli anni diciotto è punito con la reclusione fino a due anni e con la multa non inferiore a euro 1.000.


Operative part of Article 600c of the Italian Criminal Code

Whoever, outside the cases provided for in Article 600ter, knowingly procures or possesses pornographic material made using persons under the age of eighteen years shall be punished with imprisonment of up to three years or with a fine of not less than EUR 1,549.

The punishment shall be increased by not more than two thirds where the material possessed is of large quantity.

Outside the cases referred to in the first paragraph, anyone who, by using the Internet or other networks or means of communication, intentionally and without justified reason, accesses pornographic material made using persons under the age of eighteen years shall be punished by imprisonment of up to two years and a fine of not less than EUR 1,000.

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