Presumed Innocent
Presunto Innocente Antenna 3 Telelombardia Lawyer Milan Italy
On 25 November 2024, the international day against gender-based violence, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a guest in the TV programme Presunto Innocente, hosted by Daniele Porro on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia, providing a technical contribution in the treatment of a number of important crime cases in Italy. They talked about the death of Ramy Elgaml, 19 years old who lost his life in an accident in Via Ripamonti in Milan after a chase with the Carabinieri and the protest that spread in the Corvetto district, the sentence of the Court of Assizes in Milan to life imprisonment for Alessandro Impagnatiello, Giulia Tramontano's boyfriend, found guilty of feminicide, recognising all the contested charges, with the sole exclusion of the aggravating circumstance of futile motives for voluntary homicide, and of the life sentence confirmed by the Court of Appeal of Brescia for the trio found guilty of the murder of Laura Ziliani, a former security guard from Temù and mother of two out of three defendants.
