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Presumed Innocent

Presumed innocent Antenna 3 Telelombardia pickpockets Milan and Pifferi case

On Monday, 3 February 2025, lawyer Federica Liparoti was a studio guest on the TV programme Presunto Innocente, broadcast on Antenna 3 / Telelombardia, providing a technical contribution in the analysis of some recent court cases.

The discussion initially focused on the new arrest near Milan's Central Station of a young pickpocket, a recidivist, whose statements made in the past on social media: ‘Stealing is our job’ are still causing discussion. The 20-year-old woman, recognised by the police as she was trying to rob two Asian tourists, as part of an operation to ‘combat widespread crime’, was arrested on charges of aggravated theft, in conjunction with a 24-year-old accomplice. In addition to this particular case, similar situations, widely spread around stations and in the Milan underground network, operated by gangs of serial pickpockets, were analysed.

They then discussed the postponement of the first hearing of the appeal trial and the defence lawyer's request for a new psychiatric report for Alessia Pifferi, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance for having let her 18-month-old daughter die of starvation.

Avv. Federica Liparoti, criminal defense lawyer in Milan, Italy
Presumed Innocent Antenna 3 case Alessia Pifferi


Presumed Innocent, Antenna 3, Telelombardia, Milan pickpockets, aggravated theft, Alessia Pifferi case, psychiatric expertise, capacity to understand, infanticide, life imprisonment

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